Bali Zero Carbon Emissions, Jimbafest-J Trust Bank Plants 1,000 Mangrove Trees in Kelan

June 29, 2024

In commemoration of National Tree Planting Day which falls in November, Jimbafest 2023 replaces the carbon emissions footprint of 3 tonnes of CO2 through an initiative to plant 1,000 mangrove trees in the Kelan Mangrove Forest, Kelan Kangin Beach, Tuban, which is fully supported by PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk ( J Trust Bank) to achieve zero carbon emissions by Saturday 25 November 2023.

This activity was carried out to take proactive steps in offsetting the environmental impacts generated during the ongoing Jimbafest 2023 and J Trust Bank activities.

Mangrove trees are known as efficient natural carbon stores and have major ecosystem benefits, including protecting coasts from abrasion, providing habitat for marine fauna, and improving water quality.

Yusea Eka Prasetya, PJ Chair of the Jimbaran Hijau Foundation as advisor for the 2023 Jimbafest activities added, in accordance with the big theme of the 2023 Jimbafest activities ‘Agha Kerthi Jagadhita’ which means ‘Efforts to Protect Nature for a Prosperous Earth’, planting mangrove trees is not only a step to replace emissions carbon, but also a long-term investment in environmental sustainability.

Ridyawan Amnar as Corporate Secretary Division Head of PT Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk explained “coinciding with J Trust Bank’s 8th anniversary, we see a similar mission with Jimbafest 2023 regarding environmental protection actions.”

In a rough calculation, one Jimbafest 2023 event combined with one of J Trust Bank’s anniversary celebration activities is equivalent to 3 tons of CO2, which can be compensated by planting at least 250 trees in a year.

Therefore, by planting 1000 mangrove trees , Jimbafest 2023 together with J Trust Bank not only compensates for emissions from these activities but also makes a significant positive contribution to efforts to reduce overall environmental carbon emissions.

With this activity, both parties hope that this mangrove tree planting activity will become an example for the entire community in supporting zero carbon emissions efforts and can play an active role in creating a cleaner, greener and more sustainable environment.

About Jimbafest 2023

Jimbafest 2023 is an annual activity of the Jimbaran Hijau Foundation which carries the theme “Agha Kerthi Jagadhita” with the meaning of “Efforts to Protect Nature for a Prosperous Earth” which has presented various activities and educates about environmental protection actions for the community. With a focus on environmental sustainability, Jimbafest 2023 is committed to reducing the carbon impact of activities and contributing positively to nature conservation.


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