JHUB Art Space Closes Year with “Layering Time” Exhibition by Made Wianta and Stephan Spicher

June 29, 2024

On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, JHub Art Space concluded its 2023 art project agenda by featuring two renowned artists from Indonesia and Switzerland in Bali. The painting exhibition, which signifies more than just a collaboration, represents a meeting or dialogue between East and West that has been intertwined for over a quarter-century. According to the exhibition curator, Yudha Bantono, “layering time” is a concept that is inherently difficult to grasp and has captured the human imagination for centuries, serving as a subject of exploration and contemplation for many artists.

Swiss artist Stephan Spicher and Balinese artist Made Wianta (late) accumulated experiences of exchanging ideas, learning from different cultural backgrounds, working together, and exhibiting together over a long period, showcasing consistency in their joint art projects.

The presence of works by Made Wianta and Stephan Spicher, whether created individually or collaboratively, from their meeting until Wianta’s death, is a testament to their sustained engagement. According to Yudha, neither Stephan Spicher nor Made Wianta succumbed to the romanticism of past inspirations; instead, they delved into the ideas from their past events, capturing their essence and presenting them as a significant dialogue.

This meeting of minds and their artworks brings stories of forgotten civilizations between the East and West to life, allowing viewers to experience a different time. Through Stephan Spicher and Made Wianta’s works in this exhibition, we can witness not only the beauty of the artworks but also the meeting of thoughts that remain relevant and accessible today.

For Stephan, Bali is his second home, where the island’s nature and cultural life captivate him. Similarly, Wianta’s response to life in Basel and Rancate Ticino, in the Italian part of Switzerland, is filled with enthusiasm. Wianta’s thoughts as a Balinese person differ significantly when confronted with the reality of life in Europe, an experience mirrored by Stephan’s time in Bali.

The artistic encounter between Stephan and Made Wianta demonstrates an ongoing dialogue at an artistic level, fostering continuous discussions about their artworks. They respect each other’s achievements, influenced by their extensive experiences with art and culture in both Europe and Asia.

The intellectual leaps of Stephan Spicher and Made Wianta bring them together, enabling open discussions about their concerns regarding global developments. Their encounters lead to joint art projects, such as the previously exhibited “Crossing Line” in Bali, Basel, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. More recently, in February 2023, they presented “Between Chaos and Form” in Bali.

After working together, both artists continued to produce works independently, reflecting their interconnected perspectives. Wianta, an Eastern artist, views the West universally in his unique Balinese way, while Stephan, a Western artist, continually develops an Eastern spirit, creating significant dialogues in his artwork.

Continuing the art project between Made Wianta and Stephan Spicher, Yudha Bantono, curator and Project Director of Wianta Foundation, plans to exhibit the works of these two artists in a joint exhibition at II Rivellino Leonardo Davinci Gallery in Locarno, Switzerland, in March 2024.

Putu Agung Prianta, founder of JHub Art Space, expressed pride in being involved in presenting such a prestigious exhibition, noting that Wianta is one of the first Indonesian artists to exhibit at Il Rivellino Leonardo Davinci Gallery, formerly the studio of the famous painter of the Mona Lisa.

“The ‘Layering Time’ exhibition will be held at Locca Sea House and is scheduled to run for a month, from December 20, 2023, to January 20, 2024. The choice of December 20 also commemorates and celebrates Made Wianta’s birthday,” added Putu Agung. Through ‘Layering Time,’ the life experiences and works of Made Wianta and Stephan Spicher provoke intriguing questions about the nature of time itself, whether it is linear or can be folded and manipulated as seen in their works. The answer may lie in the power of their art, where imagination and creativity transcend conventional boundaries to provide insights.


Source : https://balikonten.com/tutup-tahun-jhub-art-space-gelar-pameran-layering-time-made-wianta-dan-stephan-spicher/